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Frequently Asked Questions
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What is Non-Surgical Lipo?Our Non-invasive Lipo technology uniquely combines two technologies - Radio Frequency and Dynamic Muscle Activation The triple action of our technology consists of Radio Frequency deep volumetric heating combined with internal muscle contraction and external mechanical force which together yield maximum fat removal and lymphatic drainage as well as skin tightening. The triple action effect is visible from the first treatment. Long term body shaping is achieved in a minimal number of treatments. The RF energy generates heat through tissue resistance in both the dermal and subcutaneous layers. Selective and focused electro-heating of the skin stimulates and increases fat metabolism in the subcutaneous fat layer and collagen remodeling in the dermal layer. In the subcutaneous fat layer, the thermal effect accelerates the natural fat metabolism process and the release of liquid fat from the fat cells into the extra-cellular matrix. Drainage of the released liquid fat is accelerated by simultaneously applying internal and external pressure on the fat layer. Internally, Dynamic Muscle Activation pulses stimulate the muscle layer causing the muscle to contract. This contraction elevates the muscle and pushes the fat cells up towards the surface. Simultaneously, the mechanical pressure of the applicator presses the skin from above. The combined internal and external pressure increases the removal of the liquid fat via accelerated lymphatic drainage. The simultaneous effect of the Radio Frequency and the forced drainage results in the homogenous heating and in accelerated blood and lymph circulation that optimizes tissue oxygenation and detoxification. In the dermal layer, focused Radio Frequency energy heats the collagen fibers causing them to contract, resulting in immediate skin tightening and smoothening. In addition, fibroblasts’ metabolism is accelerated leading to collagen regeneration and long term skin tightening and firming.
What are the benefits of Non-Surgical Lipo?Focused Fat Reduction Cellulite Improvement Long Term Circumferential Decrease Skin Tightening and Firming Facial Contouring Wrinkle Reduction Lifting, Toning and Firming of Muscles Detoxification and Improved Drainage Enhanced Blood Circulation and Oxygenation
Does Non-Surgical Lipo hurt?No, there is no pain associated with this treatment. It can feel uncomfortable at times due to the Dynamic Muscle Activation function as it pumps the muscles, but not painful.
When will I see the results of my Non-Surgical Lipo Treatment?Immediately with some conditions! A course of 6-8 sessions are recommended but from the first treatment, the treated are is noticeably slimmer, firmer and more toned. After a course, most clients lose 1-3 inches in size in the area being treated. We recommend a healthy lifestyle to maintain the results.
Is there any downtime after a Non-Surgical Lipo Treatment?No, the Non-Invasive Lipo is the ultimate lunchtime treatment. You can walk in and out, and carry on with your day as usual. The only aftercare we recommend is to drink plenty of water after the treatment to help drain the fat via the lymphatic system.
What areas can be treated with Non-Surgical Lipo?Unwanted fat on Arms, Legs, Stomach, Buttocks, Neck, Face. The only parts that cannot be treated are the breasts, chest, underarms, directly over the eyes (off the bone) and the thyroid area.
How can I tighten the loose skin on my face with PlasmaPen?• Soft-surgery contracts, tightens and resurfaces loose tissue Controlled trauma eliminates most superficial wrinkles The process strengthens, plumps, inflates and lifts the skin’s structure It prevents and slows down many of the negative effects of ageing The best way to tighten loose skin on the face is with a Plasma Pen soft-surgery treatment. This procedure immediately contracts, tightens and resurfaces the loose epidermal tissue on the face by delivering controlled trauma to the skin using a gaseous arc of ionized plasma gas, all created and delivered with precision by the Plasma Pen device. The plasma energy transfers rapidly to the skin’s outer (epidermal) layer and, simultaneously, it heats and disrupts the deeper dermal structure via thermal conduction. This creates a dual zone of micro-trauma consisting of superficial micro-damage to the epidermis and inner thermal modification within the dermis (especially to the fibroblasts which is why it is often referred to as Plasma Pen fibroblasting). This delivers immediate lift and tightening of loose skin on the face, significantly combats photo-ageing and eliminates most superficial wrinkles (rhytids). The fibroblasting process then stimulates extensive dermal remodelling over the next 3 months which includes new collagen synthesis, the production of elastin and increased cross-linking between the collagen and elastin. Collectively, this all helps strengthen, plump, inflate and lift the skin’s structure. It also encourages the binding of hyaluronic acid with water to also help fill, inflate and plump wrinkles in the treatment area. The dermis becomes stronger and more flexible and this all underpins the partial-to-complete elimination of medium-depth wrinkles alongside a marked improvement and softening of deep wrinkles. Plasma Pen also helps activate and release important proteins in the dermis which regulate cell maturation and encourages extensive tissue regeneration and repair. All these positive changes underpin future tissue stability and actually help prevent and slow down many of the negative effects of ageing which directly contribute towards loose skin like the loss of collagen and elasticity.
Can PlasmaPen treat all skin types?No – not with full Plasma Pen treatment anyway (for rejuvenation only skin treatment – where the skin is not fully broken and the fibroblasts are not targeted – we can actually treat any skin type). For full Plasma Pen treatment we only treat skin types 1 to 3 on the Fitzpatrick scale. Your technician will be able to determine precisely what skin type you are and will likely use one of our professional Skin Type Sensors. Treating anyone with darker skin than this with full treatment is putting clients at risk of pigmentation. The reason for this is that people with darker skins have melanocytes capable of making large amounts of melanin. When black skin is injured, for example, the melanocytes will usually either hyperpigment or hypopigment. Dark skinned people have a greater risk of forming keloid and hypertrophic scars too. As will be discussed in your consultation, certain skin types heal at different rates. For example, oily skinned clients may take longer to heal. Our technicians give a great deal of consideration to clients who are contraindicated and/or who may have sensitivities. This will be discussed with you prior to any treatment and you should be completely honest and transparent in your responses. Clients with compromised immune systems may also take longer to heal and may not always achieve the results they expect due to their lymphatic system not working properly. Without a fully functioning lymphatic system, the cells responsible for the 4 phases of our procedures healing process (coagulation, inflammation, cell regeneration and tissue maturation) cannot always fully do their job properly and the rejuvenation, lifting and tightening of the skin may thus not then give the same level of results that are usually common with our Plasma Pen treatment. If you have any doubts or concerns, please contact us with your questions and we will do our best to give you the information you need.
Is PlasamaPen the best alternative to surgery?Plasma Pen soft surgery is widely regarded as one of the very best non-surgical treatments for wrinkles. Using a gaseous arc of ionized plasma gas that is created by the Plasma Pen device, the plasma energy transfers rapidly to the skin’s outer (epidermal) layer to heat and disrupt the deeper dermal structure via thermal conduction. This creates a dual zone of micro-trauma consisting of superficial micro-damage to the epidermis and inner thermal modification within the dermis (especially to the fibroblasts which is why it is often referred to as Plasma Pen fibroblasting). There is a wide range of medi-aesthetic treatments and cosmeceutical solutions available for the softening, reduction and/or elimination of wrinkles. Some of the state-of-the-art, non surgical treatments for wrinkles from Plasma Pen include: Mesotherapy Laser treatment Dermabrasion RF (Radio-frequency) skin tightening Fibroblasting helps deliver immediate lift and tightening of loose skin, significantly combats photo-ageing and eliminates most superficial wrinkles (rhytids). It then stimulates extensive dermal remodelling over the next 3 months which includes new collagen synthesis, the production of elastin and increased cross-linking between collagen and elastin. Collectively, this helps strengthen, plump, inflate and lift the skin’s structure above to reduce, soften and even entirely eliminate wrinkles. It also encourages the binding of hyaluronic acid with water to help fill, inflate and plump wrinkles in the treatment area. The dermis becomes stronger and more flexible and this all underpins the partial-to-complete elimination of medium-depth wrinkles alongside a marked improvement and softening of deep wrinkles. Plasma Pen also helps activate and release important proteins in the dermis which regulate cell maturation and encourages extensive tissue regeneration and repair. All these positive changes underpin future tissue stability and help prevent and slow down many of the negative effects of ageing that actually cause wrinkles in the first place.
How many PlasmaPen treatments will I need?Often only one but it will depend on your personal expectations, the area being treated, your age, the condition and type of your skin and many other factors. We implacably believe that you simply will not get better or faster results alongside less downtime and faster recovery than you will enjoy with an official Plasma Pen by Louise Walsh International procedure from one of our expert technicians. Each and every client is different and your treatment plan will always be bespoke. In our experience, some clients may require 2 or more treatments to achieve optimal results, especially for some procedures and skin conditions where the results will be cumulative by design. Many clients are, as we say, absolutely delighted with the results that our technicians and advanced plasma technology are able to deliver after just one treatment. Remember too that although your treated area may look completely healed from the outside very quickly and that our results are often utterly dramatic from day one; it takes several weeks and sometimes months for the cells living within your epidermal junction to fully do the job that we have told them to do in traumatising your skin with Plasma Pen. We advise all our technicians, for most treatments, not to treat anyone for a minimum of 8 weeks after their first treatment because before that point, we are unlikely to be able to see and fully appreciate all the results that the first treatment actually achieved. Often, at that point, they will tell you that you simply don’t need another treatment on that area because you have indeed achieved optimal results/effects!
What aftercare is involved after the PlasmaPen treatment?Aftercare following a Plasma Pen treatment is very straightforward and mostly common sense. If you are paying for an incredible treatment like this and investing in your beauty and you then willfully ignore the strict instructions your technician will fully brief you on – perhaps by choosing to go on a sunbed the next day – you will clearly imperil the outcome and may not achieve optimal results. You will need to keep the area extremely clean until the micro dots fall off. You will also only apply the after care gel provided by our technichians until the micro dots fall off. All aftercare will be covered during your initial consultation and on the day of your treatment.
Is PlasmaPen painful?We don’t think so and especially not with our #1 device. For many, Plasma Pen is virtually a pain-free treatment and is often described as merely tingly. We see many clients fall asleep during their procedure. However, the treatment may be moderately uncomfortable depending on you and where you are being treated. Eyelid procedures (where the skin is at its thinnest) can be more painful for some people but our device, plasma delivery and super-fine probes allow our technicians to work very quickly and efficiently and this minimises potential discomfort for you by design. Your technician will numb the area before treatment and sometimes during too depending on the products they use and the regulations in this area. For treatments on large areas, technicians will typically “numb as they go” so that the numbing effects don’t wear off while they are still working. It’s all relative too – think how painful something like cosmetic surgery can be after a procedure when your anaesthetic wears off.
How long do PlasmaPen results last for?Plasma Pen delivers exceptionally long lasting results. From all observations, clinical trials and real world experience, about three years is normal. Once the skin is tightened then it is actually permanent. However, your skin will still continue to age and this will happen at different rates based on genetics, lifestyle choices and free radicals so although we suggest treatment results will last for around 3 years, some clients will experience longer lasting results than others. Remember too that in addition to rejuvenation, we are actually helping repair the scaffolding of the skin with our fibroblasting to mitigate the ageing process. If, for example, we treat your smokers’ lines and you then continue to smoke then results may possibly not be as long lasting compared to if you had stopped. If we make your eyelid hoods or bags disappear then that is also a permanent effect although, of course, they could potentially grow back in years to come.
What is PlasmaPen technology?In nature there are four states of matter – solids, liquids, gases and plasma. Matter only becomes a plasma when enough energy is delivered to split the atoms into electrons and the output of this is a ‘plasma cloud’ of charged particles which consist of free radicals, positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons and molecules. Our device creates an electrical discharge between two electrodes which are separated by an ‘insulating dielectric barrier’. As the charge collects on the surface of our dielectric barrier, it discharges as a flash of plasma within millionths of a second. An intelligent combination of the design of our device and its continuous direct energy source ionises the nitrogen and oxygen in the air to create a plasma gas which is then both sustained and continuous in line with the unique fingertip control and on-demand nature of our Plasma Pen device. Although we are creating collisions between molecules and causing the emission of energetic photons, the energy required to do this is actually minimal so our device is (and only needs to be) low-voltage. The plasma we create with our device transfers to the skin with absolute precision and does not harm any of the surrounding tissue. The first and most immediate effect is delivered to the outer layer of the epidermis where we create external micro-trauma which helps immediately contract and tighten the skin. The next major effect is that the plasma simultaneously penetrates down into the fibroblasts which are contained deeper within the dermis below and, in doing so, we stimulate accelerated fibroblast division and migration, as well as encouraging neovascularisation – the natural formation of new blood vessels and the release of growth factors. These growth factors include fibroblast growth factors, platelet-derived endothelial growth factors and cytokines. Cytokines are small proteins that are very important in cell signalling and which affect the behaviour of cells around them. They help modulate our immune response, they regulate cell maturation (aging) and quarterback the growth of new cells. They are particularly important in directing our bodies response to the inflammation trauma that we cause because they stimulate both cell repair and new cell reproduction. The inflammatory response which occurs during the healing process that we promote also activates what are known as “M2 Macrophages”. Macrophages are white blood cells which engulf and digest cellular debris, foreign substances, microbes, cancer cells, and indeed anything else without proteins that are good for healthy cells. M2 macrophages decrease the inflammation we cause and encourage tissue regeneration and repair. We also stimulate the migration of basal keratinocytes up to the surface of the skin. Wounds to the skin are repaired, in part, by the migration of keratinocytes from the basal layer of the skin which then fill-in the gaps created by the micro-wounds we create. Within the healed epidermis they are, in turn, replaced by keratinocytes that originate from the epidermis.
How long does a HyaPen treatment take?This depends on a variety of factors including the length of the consultation, what we’re trying to achieve, how much filler we’re administering. 20 – 30 minutes is however a good guide.
How long will a HyaPen treatment last for?Traditional lip filler injections with a needle can last upwards of 8 months. Depending on the treatment administered, the type and amount of HA filler used and the individual nature of patients then our no-needle filler solution typically lasts 4 to 6 months. This is all reflected in the comparable price that clients pay for a treatment, balanced with the safety and aesthetic benefits of HyaPenPro.
Will one HyaPen treatment be enough?Often, yes it is, but we never promise one treatment will always be enough as every client is different and requires a bespoke amount of product. Rather than over-fill/over-treat we find it better commercially and aesthetically to add more volume naturally over time.
Can HyaPen be used anywhere else other the lips?Of course – especially thanks to our variable pressure settings and ingenious design. HyaPenPro can be used on many parts of the body to administer PRP, Kybella, growth factors, mesotherapy, microneedling serums and much more.
Is the HyaPen treatment painful?No. HyaPenPro is virtually pain-free with little or no swelling, bruising, bleeding or social downtime. No anaesthetic, topical or otherwise, is ever required. It’s all filler without the killer!
Are there any contra-indications, side effects or risks with the HyaPen treatment?"Risks are automatically negated and there are very few contraindications or side-effects. It is impossible to have an allergic reaction to hyaluronic acid.
Does HyaPen aim to deliever the same results as injectables?Our device and technique is designed to create symmetry, augmentation, enhancement, contouring and a natural looking outcome – not a severe, inflated or artificial look. Clients absolutely love the results we deliver.
Will I get lumps, bumbs or cysts like some injectables?"This is practically impossible with our super-uniform dermal filler distribution which is introduced through a microscopic hole and which settles in days (not weeks).
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